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Salesforce DevOps Trends in 2023

Susmitha Vakkalanka
Susmitha Vakkalanka
Published on
March 1, 2023

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The technology landscape is ever-growing, and while this isn’t a new phenomenon, it certainly took new heights in the last year. The Covid-19 pandemic led to countless organizations shifting their mindset and rethink about their business processes to adapt to the new, more complex ecosystem.

88% of customers expect companies to accelerate digital transformation.”

Given the rapid shift in digital initiatives in the past year, companies have pushed their Salesforce teams to meet increased demands and complex applications. 

There’s an increasing emphasis on improving the quality of the releases, reducing issues in production, increasing speed to match market demands, and an overall better collaboration among team members; as a result, more Salesforce teams are relying on DevOps tools and practices that aim to solve these challenges. Read more about orchestrating Salesforce DevOps tools here: https://www.opsera.io/blog/10-must-have-salesforce-devops-tools-and-how-to-orchestrate-them-right

While most trends come and go, Salesforce DevOps trends are here to stay longer, and for good reason. The global pandemic has had a polarizing impact on the Salesforce ecosystem. On one hand, it has resulted in a tremendous growth of the platform itself. At the same time, there are technical challenges for DevOps adoption. 

In this article, we’ll talk about the top 10 Salesforce DevOps trends that will pave the way for the development industry. 

Before that, let’s briefly understand what DevOps is in Salesforce and its benefits.

What is DevOps in Salesforce?

Businesses have been rising to deconstruct the invisible wall between the development and operations teams. The term DevOps was first coined back in 2009 and is defined as:

“DevOps is a software engineering practice that brings together the software development and operations teams to help build faster, deploy faster, and manage applications more efficiently.” 

DevOps is as much about software and technology, as it is about an organization’s culture, mindset, and strategy. It empowers software teams to streamline the end-to-end application build while focusing on continuous delivery. 

According to a report by DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) and Google Cloud, high-performing software teams use DevOps to release 46 times faster. Plus, these teams had much lower change failure rates and faster incident recovery times. 

DevOps in Salesforce is not much different. Think of it as a broader concept. The idea is to enable IT departments to deploy changes and work cross-functionally in the most effective way possible while reducing errors and bugs. 

Benefits of DevOps in Salesforce

It’s no surprise that more and more companies are integrating DevOps as an essential strategy in their software development process. Salesforce DevOps helps businesses deliver more value by increasing the quality of their releases, strengthening team collaboration, and enabling faster releases. 

Moreover, Salesforce DevOps also facilitates automation which helps in increasing your team’s release cadence by eliminating bottlenecks in the pipeline such as repetitive manual tasks allowing your team to focus on more important things.   

DevOps solutions like Opsera has enabled teams to streamline their workflow and boost their deployment rate dramatically. Opsera’s solutions offer declarative pipelines which enable teams with automated quality assurance and security gates built in. This makes a huge difference to teams as they can ramp up development while resolving issues in the deployment quickly. 

Having increased efficiency without compromising security helps businesses free up resources and save money for other important projects. 

Salesforce DevOps Trends 2023

Salesforce DevOps has entered a new era as demand surges with digital transformation. 

Salesforce DevOps plays a crucial role in today’s competitive and fast-changing software market. From identifying bottlenecks in your existing software development lifecycle to selecting the right tools and implementing optimized frameworks, DevOps in Salesforce has the capability of uncovering new opportunities for enterprises. 

Businesses that don’t adopt Salesforce DevOps will be left behind. 

Scaling your IT business in 2021 is no small feat, but consider this: If you have detrimental silos in your software development, delivering releases while maintaining quality, time, and cost will be a big challenge. More enterprises are shifting towards Salesforce DevOps to pave the way for continuous change and increased delivery. 

Everyone adopting Salesforce will need to understand DevOps. 

DevOps helps teams self-steer toward better solutions. This means enterprises will be training their current workforce to adopt DevOps tools and practices to meet the challenges they face. Learning DevOps tools and methodology will help businesses experiment with their audience, optimize their workflows, and revise their methods for dynamic customer needs. 

It’s becoming easier to find Salesforce DevOps talent. 

As more organizations turn to DevOps, there has been a proliferation of training materials for professionals globally. In fact, data suggests that it’s becoming easier to find Salesforce DevOps talent. Additionally, the skill set offers a strong salary, with salaries in developed countries typically ranging between $90k-$140k. 

Larger teams are more likely to use automated DevOps Tools. 

Automation results in huge time and resource savings for software teams on every deployment run. Using tools like Opsera, high-quality code can be easily validated and tested in advance of each release. This means less time spent in writing manual scripts, building toolchains, and focusing more on your core business. 

The biggest challenge while implementing DevOps is the adoption of DevOps tools. 

Embracing DevOps in Salesforce calls for a transformation in culture, mindset, tools, and processes. Businesses aim to learn, iterate and move faster with DevOps. However, in Salesforce, applications are often tightly coupled, across massive teams. 

Companies with a larger workforce tend to struggle more as compared to smaller teams when adopting DevOps. Challenges like lack of version control, poor cross-functional team collaboration, and manual processes give rise to further delays in bigger teams, thus leading to difficulty in adopting DevOps. 

Increased demand on development teams is the #1 challenge for Salesforce DevOps teams. 

The global pandemic has had a notable impact on the development teams. Adjusting to the new remote working environments, difficulty in collaborations, preoccupation with economic unrest, and other distractions have declined the performance of software delivery in 2021. Thus, there’s a need for a Salesforce DevOps solution that addresses all these issues to reduce overheads and complexity for the development teams. 

Better build quality, increased productivity, and better collaboration are the 3 most valuable DevOps benefits in Salesforce. 

DevOps integrates quality assurance and relies on automated tools to move things through the software development lifecycle pipeline, extracting from and merging into version control as a source of truth. 

With DevOps in Salesforce, teams can build testing and governance checks at every stage, ensuring that new features match business requirements without breaking existing functionality or code. This results in a better code-build, increased efficiency, and cross-functional team collaboration.  

Enhanced security and compliance concerns will drive DevOps adoption in Salesforce. 

Data breaches are becoming increasingly common as cybercriminals constantly look for ways to compromise security flaws in applications. According to a report, 36 billion records were exposed due to data breaches in the first of 2020 itself. This number is only going to rise if companies don’t take a more proactive approach towards security.

Besides, achieving compliance with regulations like HIPPA, GDPR, or PCI/DSS is important for a large number of software development companies. 

DevOps comes with strong practices in place such as automation, quick feedback loops, enhanced cross-functional collaboration, better visibility, robust security testing, and a more consistent ground for baking security into the code. Your developers can easily configure DevOps tools and automation processes to automatically ensure access controls and compliance.   

Automation will be a great factor in driving the ROI of DevOps. 

Adopting DevOps maximizes your Salesforce ROI as it takes an automation approach to manual, repetitive tasks and intelligently enables developers to focus more on building the code, rather than doing admin tasks. 

With fewer admin and management hours, developers can quickly build, track changes, run automated tests, detect and fix issues in real-time and make sure the development environments are in sync. The ROI of DevOps doesn’t just translate into cost savings, but into benefits at a much larger scale for the company. In a nutshell, Salesforce teams can allocate resources better and ensure a streamlined workflow while driving revenue growth. 

Getting Started with Salesforce DevOps Process

With the amount of requirements changing constantly every day, integrating DevOps tools and practices to automate as many activities as possible - is imperative than ever. Creating a culture of seamless team collaboration without putting your development or security at risk is important among Salesforce teams. 

Ongoing training will be essential going forward, and companies that acknowledge the fact that DevOps automated tools will help software teams understand pipelines better, build quicker, improve security, and give faster releases will find the most success. 

Integrating tools like Opsera will help you maximize the potential of your Salesforce. Teams can choose any DevOps tool for any step in their toolchain to build the perfect CI/CD pipeline that best fits their goals. With an easy way to customize pipelines using a visual drag and drop workflow builder, configure pipelines using pre-built templates, and automatic provisioning of your infrastructure, you have complete visibility into your workflows. 
As Salesforce DevOps trends continue to evolve, organizations will seek out to build more complex applications with shorter releases. The same applies to Salesforce teams, and implementing DevOps tools like Opsera can provide better development along with enhanced productivity as we navigate through the new normal of 2021.

Opsera’s solutions offer native integrations with source code repositories, flexible options for version control, and automated management and approvals. What makes it different than other Salesforce DevOps tools in the market is its in-built quality, security, and compliance assurance. Besides, getting started with the platform is quite easy with its no-code pipelines with automated package deployment.

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